Our plans for 2017.

We've got a lot planned for 2017!

Community Tree Nurseries

We're rebuilding our existing nursery that was damaged by Hurricane Matthew and we plan to build another nursery in Bedard.  We will use the tree seedlings that were recovered after the hurricane plus some new ones...

New Trees!

We're going to be planting seeds for citrus fruit trees and we're in the process of costing out buying Mango Francique seeds.   As a side note - you can buy these types of Mangoes in Whole Foods and other stores in the USA - why not try some next time you are out shopping!

Delicious Mangoes!

Delicious Mangoes!

We will also shop and buy the best mango seedlings in April and May to supplement our seeds.

We anticipate growing several thousand trees in each location and then distributing them to the local people in May.  

It's going to be a busy year!   Stay posted for more news and please consider a donation to help us with these projects.   The Haiti Tree Project is entirely volunteer run from Raleigh NC. 

December visit part 3 - the future

Although the hurricane was a blow to our project, we are more resolved than ever before to continue our work.  These pictures sum it up.   The first picture shows the effects of deforestation.  

The bare hillside, eroded river banks and trees with no shade.


The second picture shows a piece of land that was all just bare rocks and dirt in 2011.  It was one of the first places that we reforested.   Now it's covered with lush healthy trees that withstood the hurricane.

Here's another picture of land that we reforested!   Look at those beautiful trees!

So we're continuing our work - please consider helping us with a donation.


Thank you.


December visit part 2 - seminars and time to rebuild

We participated in several seminars with local people.  These were led by local community leaders who talked about the importance of trees more that ever before after the hurricane.


Sometimes the seminars ended in song!

Trees give us food! trees give us life! if we cut and do not plant, we get misery. this is how it is. so we are all going to plant, we are all going to plant so we can live...

Not all was lost.  Quite a few trees were salvaged.

December visit part 1 - the hurricane's aftermath

This is the first of several posts describing our recent trip to Haiti.

We visited Haiti in December to see the effects of the hurricane and to see what we could do to help the people with the project.  We helped repair homes, survey the damage and formulate a plan for the future.

Many homes were badly damaged from the storm.  We helped those who've helped the project by providing cement for them to patch and repair their houses.


A damaged house.

A damaged house.

Repairs were underway.

There was a great deal of erosion to the river banks.  In some places many feet of the banks were just washed away.   Much of this erosion is caused because of the lack of trees along the edge of the river.

New York Times article.

Who Will Speak for Haiti's Trees? is a must read article about reforestation in Haiti. The article describes the problem, but at the same time, offers encouragement.  

The conclusion stands out..

"But this is the moment to build on the knowledge already present in many communities about how to reforest the country."

We couldn't agree more!  This is what we do at The Haiti Tree Project - we work with the communities to help them find solutions that work for them!  And we've been successful, but the recent Hurricane has set back our project so we're doubling our resolve!